Proper Decontamination is Mandatory at ALL TIMES
We are going to cover step-by-step decontamination of your lash tweezers, other tools, as well as your workspace. Our courses put a large emphasis on our HEALTH AND SAFETY MODULES. We have further participated in the education of Basic Infection Control with Pre-Empt themselves and are very proud of the knowledge we can provide you guys!

Step-by-Step Decontamination of Lash Tweezers
1. Remove lash extension glue from tweezers using professional lash extension glue remover (i.e. LSC UNICORN MAGIC TWEEZER CLEANER).
2. Wash tweezers with warm soapy water to remove body oils and dirt.
3. Completely submerge tweezers in a medium to high disinfectant solution for
the manufacturer's recommended amount of time.
4. Remove the tweezers from the solution, wearing gloves, and rinse

thoroughly with running water.
5. Properly store disinfected tweezers in a clean, covered container, or cover
tweezers with a clean towel until ready to be used.
Repeat these steps between EVERY client.
Step-by-Step Decontamination of Other Tools
For tools that do not come in contact with a client.
1. Wash tools, such as lash mat, glue ring, jade stone, etc. with soap and water to
remove dirt and oils.
2. Wipe objects with an alcohol swab or similar (low level disinfectant accepted
for these elements).
3. Store disinfected tools in a clean, covered container, or cover tools with a
clean, single-use towel until ready to be used.
Repeat these steps between EVERY client.

Decontamination of Workspace
Treatment table must be cleaned with disinfectant and a disposable (or single-use)
cloth after each client.
If linens are used, they must be changed between each client.
Lamp must be cleaned with disinfectant and a disposable (or single-use) cloth after
each client.
Door knobs (if used) must be cleaned with disinfectant and a disposable (or
single-use) cloth after each client.
Counter-tops, trolleys, trays, etc. must be cleaned with disinfectant and a disposable
(or single-use) cloth after each client.
Acceptable products for decontamination
PreEmpt (Formally Accel CS20).
Barbicide Plus
VIRALEX T36 Disinfectant.
A solution containing 60% - 90% ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol (not methyl
A solution containing 0.5% accelerated hydrogen peroxide.
What is NOT sufficient for decontaminating spa tools
Glass bead sterilizer.
UV sterilizer.
Regular Barbicide.
Alcohol wipes.
Disinfecting wipes.